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Showing posts with the label CAT toppers Preparation

How did this IIM topper crack CAT in 4 months

CAT 2017: How did this IIM topper crack CAT in 4 months? An eye opener for CAT aspirants Getting 99 percentile does not necessarily mean that you should study for 16 or 18 hours a day. CAT toppers studying at IIMs prefer the smart way of preparation instead of devoting more time with less output. Candidates with right preparation strategy have been able to crack CAT with 3-4 months of intensive preparation in the revised CAT exam pattern that contains 3 sections and 100 questions. With his time bound and focused preparation plan in right direction, Amritansh Ahuja, a student of IIM Kozhikode made it a point to crack CAT with high score of 99+ with his 4 months of preparation plan. The way he prepared may not be exactly followed by all the CAT 2017 aspirants , but it could be an eye opener for those candidates who think that it is not possible to crack CAT in such a short period and get disheartened due to which they lose the race even before they begin it. Amritansh cracked